Friday, April 27, 2012

8 Things I Love about the Galaxy Nexus

For those that are shopping around for a phone, here's a list of things I love about having a Samsung Galaxy Nexus

  1. Its on Android - no more trying to get my Symbian or Meego phone to fit in with Android's quirks. Having a Google phone means that the features coming from Google work as they should, just maybe not always first time around.
  2. Google Maps with Navigation - It was one thing that Nokia had over Google, until Google brought out Google Navigation. 
  3. Instant upload - I've already mentioned this in an earlier post so backtrack for more information
  4. NFC Beam - But I haven't found a use for this yet but having this is what you call future-proofing
  5. Games - Those games everyone is playing, yep finally I can join in
  6. Google Docs - Things finally run properly on Google Docs! I can even manage sharing of documents from the phone which is very useful for what I do.
  7. Voice to text - This feature is very quick and responsive and most importantly, very accurate. You can even dictate a whole letter if you wanted to but SMS are great with this
  8. MightyText - This app allows you to send sms from your computer as well as read them as they come through on your phone. And the amazing thing is your phone doesnt even need to be connected to your computer. You can even send and receive SMS and even manage incoming calls even if you left your phone at home! The possibilities are endless! 
What do you like about your Samsung Galaxy Nexus? Did you discover any useful tips in the above "things I love"? 


  1. Thks - some good comments
    I've just upgraded from nokia e71 so its like a quantum leap
    I like ability to do google docs googlereader hootsuite
    Still finding my way around though

    1. seems to me that participating in forums indicates the best apps to address things missing from base Galaxy Nexus - which for a newbie to Android is interesting & sometimes a nuisance

      forums also help explain how your Google Market has morphed to Google Play likewise GoogleDocs morphing to Google Drive

  2. yeah the changes from Market to play and Docs to Drive is just in name really.

    I loved the E72 :) Still do because of the hardware keyboard. No turning back now though.

    The idea of having a blog like this rather than forums is because forums take a while to get to what you need. I'll try post the most important stuff but do let me know if you have any suggestions you get from the forums

  3. advice on apps from forums for sound level & prolonging battery charge have been helpful

    otherwise it's just be curious & investigate what's out there
